HBCU apparel 2021
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) were the first higher education institutions to support Black students when they were not allowed anywhere else. Many prominent individuals have occupied these campuses, colleges, universities, intentionally building an infrastructure where future generations can exist without restrictions.
And those generations have developed their own environment with music, habits, literature, and, of course, with a dress code.
I’m proud to share with you HBCUs apparel brand – Legacy History Pride.
Based on African-American cultural roots they created their clothes for the HBCUs’ community: college apparel, university, and collegiate apparel. Just to show their legacy and be themselves in a sorority or in your workplace.
The brand owner Mr. Legacy wrote: Since the age of 12, I knew the power and influence that HBCUs have always had on American Culture and I am working toward creating a brand that is deeper than fashion, more meaningful than clothes; I am here to create a movement. And thus, a new dream was formed, built, and launched - LEGACY HISTORY PRIDE.
I would like to share with you Legacy History Pride – HBCU apparel beautiful examples. Like crews and hoodies, dresses and t-shirts, jackets and sweaters, shorts and sweatpants, socks …. and face masks – it’s 2021 year now.