Revlon and Elizabeth Arden kickstart global brand extension strategy via MDR Brand Management partnership

The long-term, exclusive global partnership with MDR Brand Management will focus on growing Revlon Consumer Products Corporation’s flagship mega brands Revlon and Elizabeth Arden. This growth would be achieved via various brand extensions – new product launches, wider retail reach, and fresh consumer engagement projects, among others – some of which would be designed to take Revlon and Elizabeth Arden beyond their core reaches.

“This is not expansion for expansion sake; it’s expansion to create significant long-term revenue,”​ said Daniel Avener, CEO of MDR Brand Management.

“…Brand owners look to brand extension for different reasons. Typically, top of the list is revenue because this is revenue that goes to the bottom line. But [this is] a much, much broader strategic play about creating new consumer touchpoints, perhaps in different retail outlets or in different geographies,”​ Avener told CosmeticsDesign-Europe.

MDR Brand Management was “extremely pleased”​ to welcome the Revlon and Elizabeth Arden brands into its global portfolio and start refining plans in the coming weeks and months.

EMEA push? UK, France, Germany and UAE key beauty markets

Whilst the brand extension plan would have global reach, Avener said the EMEA region was an “extremely important”​ part of plans.

“I would call out a few important markets like the UK, France, Germany and the UAE,” ​he said. “And, essentially, those markets will have slightly varying strategies based on the geographical environment, economic environment, and retail environment.”